There are many challenging yoga poses, and the difficulty level can vary depending on a person’s flexibility, strength, and experience. Sri Sri School of Yoga can do these harder asanas through yoga teacher training.

 However, here are five challenging yoga poses that require advanced levels of strength, flexibility, and balance. 

5 Challenging Yoga Poses to Try 

Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)

handstand asana sri sri yoga

This is an inversion pose that requires strength in the upper body, core, and shoulders, as well as balance and focus. To train for this pose, you can practice forearm plank, dolphin pose, and wall-supported handstand to build strength and confidence.

Crow Pose (Bakasana) or Crane Pose

Crow Pose Hard Yoga Poses

This arm balance pose requires strong core and arm strength, as well as balance and coordination. To train for this pose, you can practice plank pose, chaturanga dandasana, and low boat pose to build arm and core strength, and work on your balance and coordination.

Scorpion Pose (Vrschikasana)

Scorpion Pose is a Hard Yoga Pose

This is an advanced backbend pose that requires a high level of flexibility in the spine, shoulders, and hips. To train for this pose, you can practice camel pose, wheel pose, and forearm stand to increase your flexibility and strength in the spine and shoulders.

Eight-Angle Pose (Astavakrasana)

Eight Angle Yoga Pose

 This arm balance pose requires a high level of core strength, balance, and flexibility in the hips and hamstrings. To train for this pose, you can practice boat pose, firefly pose, and lizard pose to build core strength and flexibility in the hips and hamstrings.

This pose requires a good arm, shoulder and core strength. Also requires strength through the whole body, including the side body. To train for this, you need to do high plank to chaturanga, side planks ,downward facing dog, high plank, lolasana with single leg lifts, forward fold and elephant trunk. It looks more complicated than it is so remember to practice and go for it with a sense of humor. 

King Pigeon Pose (Kapotasana)

King Pigeon Pose

This is an advanced hip-opening pose that requires flexibility in the hips, quadriceps, and spine. To train for this pose, you can practice pigeon pose, lizard pose, and low lunge with a quad stretch to increase flexibility in the hips and quadriceps, and work on opening the spine.

Should You Try Hard Yoga Poses? 

It’s important to note that these poses should only be attempted after proper warm-up and preparation, and under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher. Consistent practice, patience, and a focus on proper alignment and breath can help you train and progress in these challenging poses.

Try our 21-day yoga challenge to learn more poses and much more, including breath work, ayurveda, and yogic wisdom.


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