Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (Online)
Bringing yogic knowledge to mothers
What Will I Get?

16 Sacred Rights – Samaskara

Modern anatomy along with Ayurveda

Diet during pregnancy

Post-natal care

Trimester specific practices

Certification post evaluation
Teach Yoga During Pregnancy and Post partum
You learn asanas, pranaymas, bandhas, mudras and other allied subjects related to yoga. This course lays a solid foundation in understanding the peculiarities related to pregnancy and how to deal with pregnancy in a positive sense.
It is a strong amalgamation of ancient wisdom and modern scientific study in the field of “Garbh” – Womb, Garbh Dana (Conception), Shishu Parvarish (Embryology) and other related topics.
Training Syllabus
- Yoga and pregnancy
- Understanding women and a women’s physiology
- Pre-conception planning
- Physiology of pregnancy and changes during pregnancy:
- High risk pregnancies
- Special conditions and related practices
Post natal challenges and care:
- Post-partum depression
- Body toning post delivery
- Isometric exercises as a part of sukshma vyayama for pregnancy
- Practicals (asanas)
- Ayurveda and nutrition
- Teaching methodology
- Yoga nidra and meditation
- Common practices during all trimester
- Trimester specific practices
- Allied subjects
- Music and its effect on the womb
- Astrology and 16 rites for a soul
- Ayurveda and childbirth – Diet, nutrition and childcare

Leading Yoga Institution
Get certified by international yoga authorities and institutions like Yoga Alliance, Yoga Certification Board from the Ministry of AYUSH (Govt. of India) and Indian Yoga Association
Duration & Schedule
This training is a 100 hours spanned across 6 weeks with a practical application of the subject knowledge that can be used to teach pregnant woman during all three trimesters and post-delivery.
Live session schedule
16 Live sessions across the TTC with Faculty (8 on weekdays and 8 on weekends)
- Mon, Wed, Fri (On days of sessions): 6:00 am – 8:00 am
- Sat, Sun (All session may not be till 1:00 pm): 6:00 am to 8:00 am, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
- 8 additional live sessions for personalized mentorship
6:00 am to 8:00 am
- Timings are in Indian Standard Time (IST).
- Please check before applying if you are comfortable with the timings mentioned above.
- You can watch the recorded sessions later at your convenience.
- 75% attendance to the live session of the course is mandatory.
- No other courses are to be taken while doing this training.
- Age: 18 – 60 years (special permission required for 60+)
- Should have done at least a 200H of yoga teacher training before applying for the same
- AOL Programs: Basic course / Happiness Program of the Art of Living
- Physically and mentally fit
- Pregnant woman are not allowed in the training
With Certification:
- Indian residents - INR 30,000
- Rest of the world - USD 1080
Founder, The Art of Living
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a global humanitarian, spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. Gurudev’s vision of personal and social transformation through mental health and wellness has ignited a global movement in over 180 countries, uplifting the lives of more than 500 million people.