Are you looking for a holistic and invigorating yoga sequence to give a wonderful start to your day?

Are you a very busy person with too much going on in life, yet looking for something that can take care of your body and mind efficiently and effectively?

Well, Padma Sadhana can be your solution. 

What is Padma Sadhana?

Padma means lotus and sadhana means disciplined spiritual practice or effort.

Lotus is a symbol of purity and knowledge or enlightenment. Usually when one thinks of a lotus, what comes to mind? A fully blossomed flower, where each beautiful petal is opening up to the sky. But where does lotus grow? In dirty and muddy water. Yet, the lotus remains unstained and untouched by the mud and it radiates so much beauty, purity, and peace. Imagine if we could also be like the lotus flower – untouched by day-to-day events and blossom with love and joy. Padma Sadhana is a practice that could make such blossoming possible. Designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, this beautiful yoga practice comprises a simple sequence of 14 yoga postures, one pranayama (breathing technique), and meditation. Thus it is a complete and wholesome practice.


    Padma Sadhana