The most immediate and intimate relationship we have is with ourselves. But often it is conflicted with self-flagellation, it seems difficult to accept ourselves and our body the way it is. We speak harsh words to ourselves, sometimes overtly criticize every action or word we speak, shy away from taking compliments, etc. This not only tarnishes our relationship with ourselves but also affects our other relationships – be it husband/wife, friends, or child/parents.

Let’s see where it all stems from? It is often our own lack of contentment and lack of acceptance that makes us feel inferior, jealous of others, and the need for validation/recognition. Our relationships are often need-based. What or how much the other person can do for me, but these expectations reduce joy. With Yoga you realize you are more than your body; you transcend the transient nature of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

This allows you to tap into the reservoir of peace and love. With a heart full of contentment and gratitude, our role in every relationship changes.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar speaks of Love, an intimacy that goes beyond the need for the “other”. We are all made up of a substance called love. He further goes onto say “Love is the essence of life. It can never die. It can hide but never die. If it does not arise today, no matter, it will another day.

Secondly, never doubt love, whether it is genuine or fake. Love is love! Thirdly, the expression of love can be done in infinite ways. And these forms of expressing love can never be controlled. Don’t expect people to love you in a particular fashion or manner. It’s not possible. Just believe that all have love in their hearts. In some it shows up in certain others it doesn’t. Just like how the roots of some trees show up and in others it does not. Similarly, the expression of love is different in different people. Never demand love from people the way you desire to be expressed.

Some Beautiful Sutras on Love from Gurudev are –

  • Take graciously give generously
  • Love is doing unnecessary things
  • Demand destroys love
  • Experiencing the love within and come from a space of giving

Gurudev often says, “If your love is there to help others, nobody can destroy it. But if your love is to get something from the other – sooner or later – it will be broken into pieces.” Love is not an emotion; it is your very existence. When this knowledge dawns, it gives immense assurance. One with a treasure does not look out for meager validation. A person who has experienced the peace within goes into making people around him/her happy.

Caring, sharing and responsibility are the characteristics that yoga simply nurtures inside us. When this transcends one share for not only the around him/her but also for the society, country, and planet. As Gurudev says, “Service is the highest expression of love”. Yoga makes you share the love you experience within.