Author Archives: Sri Sri School of Yoga

Top 10 Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has officially hit the mainstream. It’s hard to believe that just thirty or so years ago the word “yoga” was still taboo, associated primarily with mystical yogis and dreadlocked hippies. Luckily, yoga has broken free (for the most part) from its bohemian stigma, which is evident in the yoga studios that are becoming as […]

Backbend for a Stronger Back

Backbend - Downward Dog

Backbends are some of the most difficult asanas for the body to perform, as they require great flexibility and balance. However, while difficult, once properly learned backbends provide a myriad of benefits, ranging from emotional freedom to spinal healing. One of the most notable benefits of backbends is relief from anxiety and stress. By profoundly […]

Eye Exercises: How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Eye Exercises: How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Often, when we think of yoga, we think of the solid parts of the body and svelte yogis in headstands. However, one of the most overlooked body parts that yoga benefits is the organs of sight – our oh-so-sensitive eyes. How to improve eyesight with eye yoga Just as yoga can be practiced specifically to […]

Practicing Kapalabhati Pranayama Properly

Hello my yoga friends: Today I would like to talk to you about Kapalabhati Pranayama to address a few questions that I have received.  Prana is the life force, the subtle energy that keeps you alive, just like the charge in a laptop battery keeps the laptop alive. Your battery, known as Kundilini, is located […]

Pratyahara + Shanmukhi Mudra

Pratyahara;  (Taking the senses inward) Pratyahara is the the 5th limb of 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, which is explained in Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Lord Krishna also mentions Ashtanga Yoga in Bhagvad Gita but gives no explanation, and neither does Arjuna asks about it, suggesting that Ashtanga Yoga was well known and practiced then, over […]

Being Free from Anger!

 “I am a yoga teacher. I do my sadhana regularly. I read  knowledge and also do seva. I keep myself very busy. But still I have anger within​ me, and often end up in arguments.  It is frustrating. I really can’t understand how much more I should do to be silent within. Please guide me how can I not get carried […]

Happy Guru Purnima!

Guru Purnima

Hello My Yoga Friends, Today is a special day for spiritual seekers. Like we celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, today is the day the spiritual seekers take time to celebrate their fullness, to reflect on their spiritual journeys and to express their gratefulness to their Spiritual Masters for their guidance, love, support, protection, and […]

Co-ordinating Breath with Asanas + SSY Teachers Refresher

Asanas and Breath: The two frequently asked questions in my yoga classes are: How to co-ordinate asanas with breath, and Should we use ujjayi (sounding) breath when practicing asanas ? I recommend the following: In any posture where you feel expansion of the chest, such as when stretching the arms upward or sideways, doing backward […]

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