Pregnancy is known as “good news” for a good reason, this is the sweet surprise anticipated by most of the couples and those around them. However, those who have traveled the road to procreation know it is not all play. Bringing a new life to the world is quite an exhilarating and transforming experience. From conception to childbirth the journey is an adventure in itself. While physical changes and discomforts might be evident to those around, that is not all. The road to motherhood can be emotionally challenging and exhaustive. Keeping oneself well informed on how and what of this life-changing experience is a good practice, however it doesn’t prepare you enough.

One needs the strength that surpasses the physique because it is not only the body but the entire being at work. What better than yoga; the time-tested ancient science for a strong body and a calm mind. Yoga helps foster wellness with improved energy levels, better sleep and reduced stress and anxiety. Improved blood circulation and oxygen also help with the baby’s growth. The yoga routine in Sri Sri Yoga pre and post-natal care includes pranayama and meditation along with yoga poses. This leads to strengthening, flexibility, and a calm-inducing effect on the body and mind preparing oneself for the overwhelming days to come. Yoga can be your supplement on this journey right from conception to dealing with post-partum challenges.

The modern lifestyle offers the convenience of everything at our fingertips with a click. This sedentary routine in turn triggers lifestyle disorders and heightened levels of stress. Prolonged exposure to stress can affect the body including vital functions like reproductivity. While conceiving might seem all physical, it involves more than two bodies. A good and healthy state of mind free from stress and anxiety is desirable. Yoga not only cleanses the body but is also a powerful detox for the mind. The Sri Sri Yoga Program for pre and post-natal care helps detox the body with Shatkriyas. These kriyas are deeply cleansing for the body and mind as they help flush out all kinds of toxins and impurities from the body. Furthermore, a healthy yoga routine invites the body and mind to harmony aiding optimal functioning of the body and relaxing the mind.

Pregnancy can mean the beginning of a new phase in a women’s life and like all changes, this one too comes with its own pros and cons. Morning sickness, fatigue, interrupted sleep, pains and aches are some of the discomforts experienced during pregnancy. These may be direct or indirect effects of hormonal changes, increased weight, shift in the center of gravity during and more happening in the body. Pregnancy yoga involves gentle stretching that helps tone muscles, improve blood circulation and oxygenation. This not only helps mothers-to-be dealing with fatigue, swelling, and stiffness but is also beneficial for the baby. More blood and oxygen reach the placenta aiding the baby’s growth and development and help maintain optimum health for the mother and child. Pregnancy spans around 40 weeks and it is during this time that an embryo develops into a fetus. This is not just the time when a baby’s physical structure takes shape but also when consciousness and intelligence develop. The latest research suggests that exercise during pregnancy can increase neurons in your baby’s hippocampus which is the learning and memory hub of the brain by 40%. Different aspects are to be tended for healthy and holistic development of the baby with advancing months and trimesters. The program at Sri Sri Yoga encompasses a detailed approach and methods to address each aspect of pregnancy. Gynecologist Ratnabali Ghosh explains that – Inherited genes play a major role in determining intelligence and personality, but the right lifestyle choices can help ensure those genes are programmed in the womb. Yoga is a powerful tool that facilitates the conscious development of the fetus.

Yoga can be your superpower to deliver with strength and grace. A holistic yoga routine can help you align with the body thereby helping you bond with your developing baby. And what better than that to prepare for the birth process. A prenatal yoga routine involves poses for developing flexibility, strength, and stamina preparing the body for labor. Apart from this, the poses can help the baby get into the best position encouraging a straightforward birth. Yoga and pranayama induce conscious breathing which can help one cope with contractions and pain relief during labor. Beginning early can make a significant difference during childbirth which can be daunting otherwise.

Science confirms that you are a different person after giving birth. Your body has gone through the most remarkable function of anatomy; grow another human being. It is only mother-like to want to focus all your time and energy for your precious little one, but this is also when you need utmost care. Constipation, backaches, bleeding, headache, depression can be some of the common aftermath of delivering a baby. It might be long before you feel like yourself again. Studies show that yoga is a fantastic tool to foster wellbeing and recover your strength, flexibility, balance, and posture. Research also suggests that pregnancy yoga can help reduce antenatal anxiety and depression. It helps a woman to heal from post-partum complications and instill the confidence required to embark on motherhood.

Pregnancy is termed as a 9-month period; however, it begins at least 6 months before conception leading to pregnancy, and lasts up to 6 months post-natal; till the baby is breastfeeding. What starts with a miraculous possibility of fertilization in a womb can transform the dimensions and perspective of all beings around. Procreating is an act experienced by all living beings from insects to huge mammals. However, it is the gift of experiential bliss and joy that stands humans apart. Yoga is the magic potion for an intuitive, intentional, and mindful pregnancy. Sri Sri Yoga pre and post-natal care program serves you with this magic potion just right for a positive experience of the journey which can be confusing and stressful otherwise. Get on board with us to welcome new beginnings with a well-crafted curriculum of ancient wisdom and a modern approach.

Learn about the Sri Sri School of Yoga signature 100H Pre and Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training here.