Allie Xiong

Allie Xiong is a Sri Sri School of Yoga certified 500 hour Yoga instructor. She worked as yoga instructors for Apple Inc, Cisco, Fortinet, Cisco as well as community colleges and senior centers. In addition, she teaches stress reduction and personal development classes for the Art of living foundation. These classes include the Sky Meditation course, and the Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!) for schools. She has been teaching breath meditation since 2010.
Being a passionate educator, Allie worked as a Computer Science Instructor for the California State University. She has over 10 years of experience volunteering as program manager for educational non-profit organizations in education equity and teacher training for rural areas internationally. Before her teaching career, she worked as a software engineer and program manager for the high-tech industry in the bay area. She has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science.
Her passion is education and people empowerment. By practicing yoga and meditation, she became healthier and more energized, she experienced unconditional joy, stable centeredness, and profound love and belongingness. Yoga and meditation practice are like the anchor of the soul. She is inspired to lead people gently towards their inner self through yoga and meditation.

Anjali Vishwanath

Anjali has been an RYT-200 certified Sri Sri Yoga Instructor since 2005. She is so passionate about sharing the practice of Yoga because it has brought profound healing to her body and peace to her mind.

Her meditative style of teaching opens the mind and body. Her yoga class is challenging while at the same time accessible to all levels of students, helping with flexibility, balance, strength and to deepen the overall practice for each student.

In addition to teaching adult classes, she teaches Yoga, Meditation and breathing techniques in various Bay Area schools to help students reduce stress, manage emotions and process trauma.

Ari Weinberg

Ari Weinberg is a Yoga Alliance trained 200H instructor in Sri Sri Yoga and a trained 200H Power Yoga Instructor. Ari was first instructed in meditation at age 5 and learned subsequent advanced techniques since age 10 and continues expanding his learning to new and exciting skills every year. He volunteers his time teaching yoga and meditation to all ages and to government correctional facilities. He’s had 3 small businesses in the past and working on his fourth. In addition to the above he works as a program manager for PayPal and is studying for his MBA.

Esha Tiwari

“When life throws curveballs at you, just breathin and breathout. A fantastic and most powerful way to regulate emotions.Sri Sri yoga style is a very holistic approach,where it starts from pranayam(breathing techniques) and ends with a beautiful meditation. It cured my sleep patterns, my mood swings and metabolism. Sri Sri yoga helped me centre myself. After, having practiced this style of yoga my next step took me to becoming a teacher.”
Now, Esha Tiwari, is a certified 200Hr yoga instructor. Her motto in life is now to spread the benefits of yoga. She now takes group and private classes for people in her community. Her yoga classes involve asana alignments, hip opening techniques and surya namaskars with variations.where each asana involves change in breathing patterns.She wants to wipe out the myth “ Yoga is for people who are flexible”. Yoga belongs to everyone. A brand ambassador for a UK based fitness apparel wear brand, a hotelier by profession. Having worked with various hospitality chains (Accor, IHCL and Hyatt) as a Director of Sales, Esha decided to change the course of life by diving into the education of Yoga. Come connect with her through yoga.

Harini Sankabattula

Harini Sankabattula has many accolades in the field of Yoga and holds several Yoga teacher training certifications. She is also an Ayurveda Vaidya in training and facilitates Ayurveda workshops. A true Yogini at heart, she is admired for passionately offering holistic experiences that beautifully blend Postures, Breath-work, Meditation, Ayurveda, and Wisdom from classic yoga texts such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras & Bhagavad Gita and various allied sciences. This combination profoundly elevates the quality of yoga practice. Harini holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the SUNY Buffalo and works in the Tech Industry in Silicon Valley California.

James Carter

James Carter

James Carter is a E-RYT 200 certified Sri Sri Yoga teacher based in Columbia, Maryland. James Enjoys teaching Yoga because it brings people to a joyful, calm, and happy state of mind. Bringing people into their peaceful nature and keeping the body healthy is a beautiful aspect of teaching Yoga. Creating a space of growth, awareness and connection are priorities in my classes. In my life Yoga helped with a previous back injury and allowed me to stay physically flexible, strong and peaceful.
My teaching style is Meditative, dynamic, energetic, strengthening and mindful.
I have experience teaching Yoga to university students and professors, teenagers, children, adults and sports players (Soccer),

Jennifer Stevenson

Jennifer happened upon yoga more almost twenty-years ago while living in Tokyo, Japan. She has been studying and practicing the many dimensions of it ever since. Jennifer brings more than 13 years of experience teaching yoga, meditation, self-development, and leadership training programs internationally and currently serves as the Vice-Chairperson on the Board of Directors for the Sri Sri School of Yoga in North America and has been a Faculty for the School’s 200H Teacher Training Program since 2015. Jennifer’s classes are both invigorating and meditative infused with a supportive and soothing presence. Inspired through service, she has delivered yoga sessions at yoga conferences, workshops in studios and a retreat at the Kripalu Center of Yoga and Health. She has also taught extensively through the Art of Living Foundation as a full time instructor for more than a decade and delivers the Sri Sri Yoga Deep Dive Retreat in addition to classes. Jennifer is accredited with Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500H for Sri Sri Yoga and a RYT 200H for Vinyasa Yoga with the Asheville Yoga Center. In addition to the School, Jennifer serves as the head of Corporate Training for the TLEX Institute delivering yoga related content in companies and institutions internationally. She has taught at Shell Oil Co, GE, Coca-Cola, eBay, Microsoft, The World Bank and American Express among many and for-credit courses at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Johns Hopkins University. Previously, Jennifer worked at Bloomberg, L.P. both in Tokyo and San Francisco, as a sales consultant for investment management systems, working with some of the world’s leading financial institutions.

Jigna Bhatt Nath

Jigna Bhatt Nath is a certified Sri Sri Yoga teacher, Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200, Art of Living Breath and Meditation Workshop teacher, Ayurveda enthusiast and a dancer.
Jigna suffered from knee, back pain and sciatica issues for many years before she experienced profound healing through yoga. She is inspired to share her practice and experiences through teaching yoga.
Jigna has been a yoga and meditation practitioner for over a decade. She started learning Yoga in high school while growing up in India. Her style is light and fun and she balances stretching and strengthening practices in her class. She has taught yoga in the community and at corporations to many different age groups.

Jonas Karosas

A potential of yoga to expand one’s consciousness was the reason Jonas started practicing it. As a volunteer for the Art of Living Foundation he was inspired to undertake numerous trainings in Sri Sri Yoga. These days his style of teaching focuses on relaxation, stamina building and quieting the mind. Intrigued by the promise of yoga to eliminate misery before it arises in one’s life, and have experienced the stillness of the body and mind personally, Jonas is enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge through teaching SSY Foundation and Deep Dive workshops as a service to the community.

Kasia Fraser

Kasia Fraser has been practicing yoga and meditation in last 20 years and became an instructor in 2005. She completed her 300H Sri Sri Yoga TTP in 2009 & 500H Yoga Works TTP in 2018. She believes in living a life full of joy, gratitude and freedom. These feelings inform and guide her teaching and practice, which is focused on helping her students better connect to themselves and their surroundings. She offers online sessions, Art of Living workshops, private classes, as well as vegan cooking demos to help my clients to achieve healthier bodies and minds. Born and raised in Poland, Kasia is a former fashion model who always brings beauty and style wherever she goes. Her unique style of yoga, an eclectic mix from various popular traditions, brings a sense of confidence and ease long after you roll up your mat. She currently lives in Los Angeles.

Kumar Bathala

Kumar Bathala is a certified Sri Sri Yoga teacher, Yoga Alliance RYT 500, Art of Living Breath and Meditation Workshop teacher, Ayurveda enthusiast and a Hardware Engineer by profession.
Kumar started his yoga journey 20 years ago as part of fitness training but soon he started exploring the other dimensions of Yoga including breathwork and meditation and holistic well being. Kumar now practices and teaches Yoga and is pursuing Ayurvedic Wellness Counselling and Practitioner studies.
Kumar’s style of practising and teaching yoga is based on holistic wellness – both for the body and mind. He also focuses on yoga for core strength, lower back and lower body flexibility – especially for athletes or those who regularly perform cardio or anaerobic exercises.

Mihir Sahoo

Mihir has been a volunteer and meditation instructor for the Art of Living Foundation for more than a decade. He has been practicing meditation and yoga asanas since he was a child. He got more systematic learning of Yoga and Meditation when he attended Art of Living’s Yoga program 15years back.
Mihir is a certified 200HR yoga instructor from Yoga Alliance for Sri Sri Yoga. He also volunteers and serves as the Corresponding Secretary for the Yoga Association of Greater Detroit. Mihir is also an automotive design engineer by profession.

Neelam Madaik

Neelam currently serves on the Board of Directors and as a faculty with the Sri Sri School of Yoga, North America. She is accredited with Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500H for Sri Sri Yoga. She also teaches advanced yoga retreats.
She has seen her life blossom through the practice of yoga. She fell in love with yoga in 2003 when she did her Yoga teacher training in India. She experienced the union of body, breath and mind and wanted to share that experience with her students. Her classes are a blend of pranayamas, asanas, yogic rest and wisdom.
When not facilitating yoga or meditation workshops, Neelam likes to travel to new places and experiment with different cuisines.

Neha Patel

Neha Patel was inspired to study yoga during her volunteering with the Art of Living Foundation where she witnessed amazing stories of healing and transformation. She has been teaching since 1999 and is an RYT-500 certified instructor with yoga alliance. With a degree in Accounting, she is a small business owner and attributes her success to her practices. A mom of two young adults based in Sacramento, CA, she teaches a variety of programs including studio classes, workshops and retreats with a holistic blend of postures, breathwork, meditation and yoga philosophy. She believes yoga is a personal journey and is known for her simple, adaptable style that is suitable for beginners as well as seasoned practitioners.

Oksana Karra

Oksana Karra PhDc, MA, BA, a mother and an educator by vocation has dedicated herself to the study of the discipline of Yoga ever since completing 200 hour Yoga Teachers Training with the Art of Living Foundation in 2005. For over 15 years, she has been teaching Art of Living Sri Sri Yoga, SKY Breath Meditation and Sahaj Samadhi Meditation workshops in Canada, Europe and the US. She is the lover of literature, music and performing arts and enjoys both nature hikes and cultural tourism.
In her enthusiastic yet gentle teaching approach, Oksana inspires and guides her students to cultivate self-awareness as well as a physical, mental and spiritual balance to achieve happy and healthy living and to blossom into their full human potential.

Pavel Dmitriev

During my undergraduate days, back in Russia, I was looking for tools to deal with stage fright to help during my music performances. I found a book on yoga and it got me hooked. Yoga worked like magic – a few minutes of breathing exercises before the performance and I was good to go! This experience forever connected me to yoga and prompted me to explore the various aspects, styles, techniques and benefits yoga can bring. I credit a lot of my professional and personal successes to yoga, and in my classes I share my experiences and learnings with my students. I like blending styles to create a fresh, fun, deep and at the same time relaxing experience in every class. Having taught at companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Cisco, and IBM, I also specialize in using yoga to promote health and increase productivity in the corporate world.

Priya Mayureshwar

I was introduced to yoga through Art of Living’s programs in 2001 when I was dealing with loss and grief in my life. The regular practice of yoga and SKY helped me overcome negative emotions and move on. My teaching style is a combination of light, energetic and meditative. In addition to teaching adults, I teach yoga and SKY techniques to kids K-12 through SKY Schools ( Through SKY Schools I had the opportunity to bring yoga to culturally diverse populations from East San Jose to Palo Alto in the Bay Area.

Run Singh

Run Singh began his yoga journey nearly a decade ago. Having served in the army,his dedication towards living a healthy and active life has been an inspiration.He has always been a firm believer in keeping his community healthy.Using by different breathing techniques to balance emotions are one of his core teachings. Run Singh’s yoga teaching style is more towards power yoga and dynamic core workouts.He is a meditator and a voracious reader. His knowledge from traditional texts( yoga sutra and Gita) adds a holistic experience to the class.

Shephali Agrawal

I stumbled into yoga through breath practices as a way to help me with the stress of law school over 20 years ago. My practice brings me joy, peace and an experience of deep love and connection. And I need it the way I need breath!

My classes are all about connection to your body, mind, and the world around you. I like to focus in on alignment, while keeping the class moving in a gentle meditative flow of asana and breath practices.

Teaching is a way for me to share my passion for a yogic lifestyle with others while I continue to refine my own understanding.

Shuba Natarajan

Shuba began her yoga journey as a young child in India.She has trained with several yoga teachers in India and in the US.Shuba holds a doctoral degree in physical therapy and is trained in Movement dysfunction syndromes in adults. She has worked extensively in areas of chronic pain management and post surgical orthopedics in older adults. Her interest has on joint replacement areas of orthopedic medicine and effective integration at the mind body level after surgery. She is passionate about the biomechanical aspects, health benefits, and spiritual aspects of all yoga practices. She has been an Art of Living practitioner since her teenage years and has been instructing the SKY breath and sahaj samadhi meditation practices as in several states in the United States and in India for over 10 years. She is also an instructor for children between the ages of 8 and 13. Yoga practice for individual medical conditions and a yoga prescription for each individual is her focus. She is certified as an ERYT 200 in the Hatha, Anusara, and as a RYT 200 SriSri yoga styles of yoga. Chair yoga and yoga practice for the mobility limited person are also a areas of focus. Exploring the interconnectedness between modern medicine and ancient yogic philosophy is seen in her instruction and a focus on individual health and wellness is her strong suite.

Sunanda Gadagottu

Sunanda traces her connection to yoga all the way back to when she was a young girl. Her life is distinguished by a thirst for the unknown, wonder for everything big and small, and an indomitable spirit. Challenges and trauma brought her to the doorstep of yogic practices. They helped her reconnect to her inspiration and open immense hidden potential.
Sunanda infuses her classes with vibrancy, humor, and a warm presence. Her style of teaching reflects her deep reverence for yogic knowledge and inspires students to reach greater depths of yoga.
Sunanda has dedicated her life to promoting a stress-free violence-free community through teaching meditation, breath-based techniques, and self-development programs. She has organized yoga festivals and taught at a variety of environments from corporations to drug recovery centers. She is a Yoga Alliance RYT 500H accredited instructor of Sri Sri Yoga.

Xiomara Arauz

Xiomara Arauz is a certified Sri Sri Yoga teacher, Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200, Art of Living teacher and Ayurveda enthusiast.
After working in the hospitality and non-profit sectors for many years, Xiomara has spent over a decade dedicated to the path of yoga and spirituality. Certified in Sri Sri Yoga, Vinyasa, and Yin yoga—Xiomara is passionate about the practices and has been deeply inspired by the transformation she has experienced in her own life. Her classes are meditative yet joyous, and leave you with a sense of relaxation and expansion that connect you to yourSelf.

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