Sri Sri Yoga Signature Class • 60 or 75 min.

In this signature class of the Sri Sri Yoga approach to the practice and study of yoga, you will experience a beautiful blend of asanas that both invigorate and relax the body, pranayamas or breathing techniques, both energizing and cooling, a blissful meditation and some yogic wisdom for everyday living. Together this lets you dip into a traditional blend of yoga steeped in a lineage of master bringing both strength and rest to the body and mind.

The Sri Sri Yoga sessions are available in 60 min or 75 min classes. Longer classes feature additional yoga postures, breathing techniques and a variety of yogic wisdom.

Speciality Class

Yoga Nidra (usually translated as “yogic sleep”) is a guided practice that enables you to rest deeply at the juncture between a waking state of mind and a sleeping state of mind.
During the practice you are guided to bring your attention through different body parts and slowly inward as your attention moves from the gross levels of your experience to more subtle dimensions.

Speciality Class

Sukshma Yoga is a simple and powerful, yet subtle, series of movements which help warm the body and keep the joints healthy.

Sukshma Vyayama
Sukshma Vyayama is a specific ancient technique of yogic postures and dynamic movements. Yogic sukshma vyayama techniques are extremely powerful as they activate the subtle pranic body. Their benefits range from developing memory, intellect, willpower and sharpening the senses.
The performance of sukshma vyayama increases joint flexibility and range from day one. However the regular practice impacts organ function and overall health and well being.

Speciality Class

Sun Salutation also known as Surya Namaskar is a special sequence of 12 yoga asanas (poses) one leading into the other. In this class, you’ll experience a mix of slow and moderately paced combinations of Sun Salutations with detail to both form and flow. A complete Sadhana (practice), classes include the asanas, pranayama, mantras and meditative moments for both an invigorating and grounding experience, all in salutation to the Sun. With the Sun, all life is possible. Adding remembrance to the sun in this class kindles sacredness and gratitude to our practice and life.


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