
H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder, Sri Sri School of Yoga and Founder, The Art of Living Foundation

H.E. Gaitri Issar Kumar
Ambassador of India to the Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union
H.E. Ms. Gaitri Issar Kumar is the Ambassador of India to the Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union. Her most recent postings are Joint/Additional Secretary
to the President of India in Delhi and the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Indian Embassy in Paris. She studied in New Delhi and Bangalore and graduated from Bangalore University before entering the Indian Foreign Service

Christoph Glaser
Board Member Sri Sri School of Yoga, CEO TLEX Institute
Mr. Christoph Glaser is a board member of the Sri Sri School of Yoga. He is a Board Member of the International Art of Living Foundation, Switzerland and Managing Director of the World Forum for Ethics in Business. He is also the CEO for Transformational Leadership for Excellence (TLEX), Europe where he conducts change management, leadership, and mindfulness programs globally. For more than 17 years, he has taught in organisations such as World Bank Group, Accenture, BCG, General Electric, Shell, Roche, and Harvard Business School. Christoph holds a Master’s in Public Policy (Humboldt-Viadrina School for Governance, Berlin) and has graduated with honours from the Business School Basel. Christoph is a certified Leadership Circle Profile Coach and a certified Integral Associate Coach.

Rajita Kulkarni
President, Sri Sri University, President, World Forum For Ethics in Business, India
President, World Forum for Ethics in Business (www.wfeb.org),
President, Sri Sri University (www.srisriuniversity.edu.in),
Trustee, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir Trust (www.ssrvm.org),
Global Board Member, TLEX Institute(www.tlexinstitute.com),
Board Member, AOL Health and Education Trust (www.aolhet.org),
Board Member, The United Way India ( www.unitedwayindia.org)
Governor of Finance Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth (www.vvmvp.org),
FICCI India National Higher Education Council ( www.ficci.in) ,
CII Co-Convener Eastern Region Education Council ( www.cii.in) ,
Citibank, N.A. ( 1992-2010)
Member CII Womens Network
Mentor of Change – Atal Innovation Mission, Niti Ayog, Govt. of India
In March 2018, selected as one of the top 100 inspirational women of India by the National Bar Association of India and published in the book “The Phenomenal She”.
In April 2019, conferred the “Exceptional Women of Excellence”
Award at the Global Women’s Economic Forum.
In August 2019, awarded “Future 50 High Impact Leader 2019” by Fortune Magazine (Along with ET Now, Amity University and Univariety)

Kamlesh Barwal
Global Director Sri Sri School of Yoga, Indian Yoga association Secretary General

Beatrice Iulini
Sri Sri School of Yoga Europe faculty and Teacher Training director, Board Member

Prof. Adolfo Panfili
MD, President of the International Association for Orthomolecular Medicine

Prof. Fahri Saatcioglu
Professor, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo

Alexander Linder
Phytobalance, Yoga and Ayurveda expert
Alexander Linder begann sein Ayurvedastudium 1991 mit einem Semester ‘Grundlagen Ayurveda’ am AVP-College in Coimbatore, TN, Südindien.
Danach folgten Studienaufenthalte in verschiedenen kleinen Privatkliniken und Praxen in Kerala.
Von 1994 bis 2005 Zusammenarbeit mit Ayushakti Health Centre und deren Gründer Pankaj und Smita Naram und Organisation von Pulslesekonsultationen in D; Koordination von Vorträgen, Seminaren und Weiterbildungen von Heiltätigen in Deutschland und Mumbai; dort auch interkulturelle Mediation und Ernährungsberatung für die Panchakarma-Abteilung des Heath Centers; Aufbau von Ayushakti Europe in Rotterdam.
Von 2002 bis 2016 Vorträge und Entlastungswochen auch in den USA (NY un CA) und München.
Seit 2014 verheiratet und vorwiegend in Augsburg tätig.
In seiner Keynote möchte Alexander Linder den Stoffwechsel aus yogischer und ayurvedischer Sicht vorstellen:
unsere Nahrung als Grundlage für den Aufbau der Anatomie und des dazugehörenden Geistes!
Und was darüberhinaus weiter wirkt…
Der Workshop von Alexander Linder möchte ganz praktisch eine Anleitung sein, soviel ‘Ayurveda’ wie möglich in die alltäglichen Routinen einbauen zu können. Mitschreiben erwünscht!
So werdet ihr erfahren, warum reines Ghee ein solches Lebenselixir darstellt und wie man es ayurvedisch zubereitet.
Und Alexander beschreibt die Grundlagen am Herd, um viele Speisen auf ayurvedische Art bekömmlich zu machen.
Dazu Tipps und Kniffe die Verdauungskraft zu stabilisieren.

Dr. Ronald Steiner
Physician for sports medicine, scientist with research focus on prevention & rehabilitation
WORKSHOP TITLE: Feel the vibration, take a deep breath and rise in love
Yoga starts at this very moment. Yoga starts with looking inside. Through this Yoga creates a deep transformation within. – In this Yoga class, you will learn how to become a more peaceful and loving person. You will become a source for peace and love in this world.
Dr. Ronald Steiner is the founder of the AYI method. This method links traditional Ashtanga Yoga with innovative Yogatherapy. Body and mind connect with each other and together create a harmonious balance. Ronald is a sports physician, researcher with focus on prevention and rehabilitation as well as one of the most well-known practitioners of Ashtanga Yoga. Ronald Steiner is one of the very few yoga teachers authorized in the traditional way by both the Indian grandmasters Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and BNS Iyengar.

Doug Swenson
Founder of Sadhana Chi Yoga, California
From a very young age of 13, Doug Swenson began his study of yoga in 1964. He has studied and practiced with many amazing teachers including: Ernest Wood: The highly respected British Yoga Master, theosophist, and Sanskrit scholar. Doug’s other mentors include: Pattabhi Jois, and Ramanand Patel, BKS Iyengar and Swami Satchidananda. Many of Doug’s students have become highly celebrated teachers, including his younger brother, David Swenson.
Doug has incorporated influences from several different yoga systems along with his passion for cross-training, elevated nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Over the years he has authored four books and 23 videos on Amazon. The book list includes: Yoga Helps, Power Yoga for Dummies, Mastering the Secrets of Yoga Flow, and Pioneering Vinyasa Yoga.
Doug is a Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance and travels extensively offering workshops, retreats and teacher training courses around the world. Don’t miss the opportunity to study with one of the world’s top instructors. Doug’s classes are always invigorating and inspirational and his supportive style of teaching and keen sense of humor send his student’s home with a smile on their face and softness within their heart.
“The overall goal of yoga practice is to unveil awareness within all things, this newfound awareness will greatly elevate your physical, mental and spiritual vision. The aspiring yoga student – physically fit, and mentally sound, with the tools to see the most difficult thing – oneself.”

Gianni Ferrario
Actor and performer, Laughter Therapy expert
AWAKENING – A hymn to the joy
Gianni Ferrario is a successful Italian actor and performer. In his role as a zen jester , delivers experiential workshops and energizing performances. He is an International trainer who
can manage to involve participants by creating an exciting experience that brings happiness.
To achieve this, he makes use of techniques such as LAUGHTER THERAPY, choral singing, visualisation and concentration, vibrant and exhilarating interactive performances to the sound of captivating music. He has dedicated many years to the teaching and practice of disciplines that promote internal growth, harmony and creativity.
Gianni, who comes from a managerial background, also collaborates with a variety of institutions, such as theatres, schools, hospitals and other communities to deliver his pills of good humour and encourage a positive approach to life.
He works with International organizations. In his role as a corporate jester, he delivers experiential WorkShow and energizing performances as part of training initiatives, corporate events and conventions.
His experience with workshops and corporate theatre performance are a mix of show, stage and spiritual experience. They open people to new freedoms of expression, new powers of engagement, enthusiasm, co-operation, and new levels of self-awareness.
He has specialized in comic monologues in a language called Grammelot , that is a mix of dialects and invented words, strengthened by a very colorful body expressiveness, used by jesters of ancient times.
Gianni Ferrario’s method works because it is based on a very simple principle:
If our bodies are made to enact a positive routine, then our minds will follow suit:
the motion creates emotion
Knowledge rarely turns into energy unless it is immediately associated with our emotions, thus becoming an inner experience:
emotion inner experience knowledge energy The benefits of his approach include:
- – Using the universal language of laughter, humour and singing to trigger a regenerating response and give vent to creative resources;
- – Making it easier for people to relate to each other, by acting on the ‘vital sap’ of their deep interpersonal feelings;
Opening up new communication channels;
Creating empathy by removing barriers;
Helping people to accept each other, whilst respecting their individual identities; Encouraging unconventional, ‘out-of-the-box’ approaches by generating new emotions and perceptions;
Creating a joyful, optimistic atmosphere that makes people feel good with themselves and with each other;
Helping people adopt a more joyful attitude in addressing their work and life issues.
He has
della risata (Laughing with all your heart: the therapeutic power of laughter) – Editore Tecniche Nuove – Milan (2006) and recently a book in English language LAUGH LOVE LIVE – You deserve a joyful life, in collaboration, as regards the scientific aspects, with Dr. Adolfo Panfili, Surgeon and Professor and Visiting Professor at several major Universities worldwide and with Douglas Doman, founder with his father Glenn of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential
He has also contributed chapters about the Corporate Jester Methodology to several Italian publications.
Gianni has also attended International seminars and workshops delivered by world-class experts and institutions, including the following: John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Michael Colgrass, Patch Adams, Madan Kataria, Guy Aznar, Hubert Jaoui and took part as “Presenter” at CREA Conference – The Annual Conference on Creative Problem Solving, Creatitity & Innovation.
He plays interventions teaching in Universities and Public Institutions in Italy
Gianni Ferrario’s main clients include the following:
EIDOS MEDIA (Publishing Systems for News and Media Organisations)
ENEL GREEN POWER (Renewable Energy Agency – Italian Electricity Board operating globally) IBM
INTESA SAN PAOLO (an Italian Banking Group)
MEDIOLANUM (an Italian Banking Group)
RABOBANK (an International Banking Group)
SDA BOCCONI (Bocconi University Business School – Milan)
UNICREDIT (an International Banking Group)

Dr. Holger Cramer
Director at the Department of Internal and Integrative Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen
Dr. Holger Cramer is research director at the Department of Internal and Integrative Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He is Adjunct Associate Professor at Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia, and holds a fellowship from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Dr. Cramer is President-Elect of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research, and has published more than 200 articles on yoga, meditation, and integrative medicine in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He holds a MSc in clinical psychology, a PhD in medical science, and a DSc (hc) in yoga.

Swami Jyothirmayah
International faculty for the Art of Living Foundation

Swami Paramtej
The Art of Living Foundation South America Coordinator

Beatriz Goyoaga
Art of Living South America Coordinator
Workshop Instructors

Alejandro Martinez Meijide
SSY teacher, senior AOL teacher, QCI Level 2 yoga teacher certification, Argentina

Dr. Richa Chopra
Founding & Officiating Head – Department of Contemplative and Behavioural Sciences, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India
*Yoga Psychology*
A Pathway to Mental Well-being
This hands-on session would provide a practical, workable and holistic psycho-social paradigm towards self-transformation – delineating the effect of one’s ‘Nature’, ‘Actions’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Contemplative Therapeutic Yogic Principles cum Practices’ on the development of a healthy mind, its transcendence & beyond.

Ariane Iranpour
SSY teacher and Stress Management & Rehabilitation techniques trainer, Luxembourg

Prof. (Dr.) B. R. Sharma
B.A. (Hon), M.A., Ph.D. Professor & Head, Department of Yogic Science, Dean, Faculty of Health and Wellness, Sri Sri University, India
Workshop -1
“Secrets of Breath”
The Secret of rhythmic breathing is to bring out harmony between Physiological functions with psychological functions that matches with the vibrations of the Cosmos.This leads to happy and healthy living. . In this workshop, the pure and pristine aspect of breathing practice is expected to be explored on the basis of the Traditional wisdom available in Yogic Texts.
Workshop -II
“Demystifying the Philosophy of Patanjali and its practices”
The Sutra style writings are so comprehensive as if the ocean is put in a pot. This workshop is expected to demystify the concepts and practices depicted in Patanjala Yoga Sutras particularly the structure and the functions of Chitta (i.e.human psyche) and how to make it friendly so that one can lead happy,, healthy and peaceful life in face of any odd situation.
B.A. (Hon), M.A., Ph.D. Certified Manuscriptologist, Email: adisheka@gmail.com
(An academician having more than 35 years of experience in Yoga Research & Education field).
Present Post:
Presently working as Professor & Head, Department of Yogic Science, Dean, Faculty of Health and Wellness, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India.
- Life Time achievement Award by Hon’ble Governor of Odisha for his contribution in the field Yoga during the National Seminar on History of Puranas, sponsored by Indian Council of Historical Research, Govt. of India, Feb.01,2020.
- Life Time achievement Award by the President of Indian Association of Yoga, New Delhi for his contribution in the field of Yoga during 6th International Conference on Psycho-spiritual approach to Yoga held (Feb. 22-23,2020) at Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Hardwar
- He has Honored / awarded by various National and International Institutions/Yoga Associations.
Invitation from Abroad
- Conducted Yoga workshops and delivered talks on invitation from different Yoga Associations – Spain & Italy(Oct. 28 to Dec.3, 2001) Korea & Japan, (April 4-24, 2002), Geneva, Switzerland (Jan.19 to April 4, 2007), Portugal ( June 22-28,2012) , Italy ( April 24-28,2013) , Hungary (2016) and Germany.(2016), Ethiopia (2016) and Bulgaria (2013, 2014 & 2016, 2019),
- He is working with World Health Organization (WHO.) as Yoga Expert in drafting a Bench Mark for Yoga Training on the recommendations of AYUSH Ministry, Govt. of India.
- Also rendering his services as Peer Reviewer Yoga Expert for “mYoga applications” development as a part of global ‘Be Healthy’, ‘be Mobile’ (BHBM) initiatives of WHO.
- He was a part (as a Yoga Expert) of Govt. of India’s Delegation to participate 11th Intergovernmental UNESCO meet (November 28-02 December, 2016) at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia wherein Yoga was accepted as Intangible Cultural Heritage of India.
- He was a Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy Ministry of AYUSH Govt. Of India vide letter No. D-/15020/912014 Research Desk dated 17/3/2015 for 3 yrs.
- He has appointed as “Yoga Expert” by Yoga Certification Board, AYUSH Ministry, Govt. of India for Onsite Assessment of PrCBs, Yoga Institute/Centers, vide letter no. 6-6/MDNIY/YCB/19/Asmt dated Nov. 27, 2019.
- He has nominated as a Non-Official Member of General Body (GB) and also as a Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga by Hon’ble Minister of State, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India w.e.f.11-12-2019, vide letter no MDNIY/GS/2018-19/21/364.dated 17 -122019. (for 3 yrs.)
- Advisory Board Member (working group), Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) Project in Yoga, AYUSH Deptt., Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi.
- He is a Member of Academic Council of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek. Nagpur, Maharashtra, as well as, of Sri Sri University Cuttack, Odisha, India.
- He has worked as Head & Asst. Director of Research, Dept. of Philosophico – Literary Research in Yoga, Kaivalyadhama Yoga Research Institute, Lonavla for (28 yrs.)
- He has worked as Principal of G.S. Yoga College and C.S, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla for 7 yrs.
- Five Students have awarded Ph. D. in Yoga and allied subjects under his supervision and five are at the verge of submission.
- Research Experience (35 Yrs.):
- Books published: 13 Books as one of the editors, published by Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, India.
- Articles published: 45 Research Papers on Yoga and allied subjects are published in different peer-reviewed Research Journals, Souvenirs and Conference Proceedings.
- Ph.D. Thesis. His Ph.D. thesis “A Critical Study and Editing of Bhagavad-bhakti” has been published by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University) New Delhi and it was released on August 2, 2012 in the Programme of Sanskrit Day organized by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University), New Delhi at National Museum.
Teaching Experience (35 Yrs.):
- Worked as Lecturer at Shri Ranbir Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Jammu, for the subject of Samkhya & Yoga during the Academic Sessions 1980-81&1981-82.
- Talks: Delivered innumerable talks on Yoga and allied subjects on invitations as Key Note Speaker/ Resource Person/ Visiting Professor in various Universities and Institutes in India.
Administrative Experience:
- Worked as:
- Managing Editor, Yoga Mimamsa- a Peer-reviewed Quarterly Research Journal for more than 10 yrs.
- A Member of Editorial Board, Yoga Mimamsa. Executive Editor for more than 23 yrs.
- An Organizer:
- Worked as organizing Secretary of a National Yoga Seminar on the Eva of Sanskrit Varsha, June 3-4, 2000
- Organized Various batches of Certificate Course in Yoga at Pune, University, Pune
- OrganizedRe-orientation Programme in Yoga for S.M. & H. personnel.
- OrganizedIn-service Teachers’ Training Programmes in Yoga,
- Organizedvarious Yoga workshops/Camps for the executives of various companies such as Dabhol project, H.D.F.C and L &T on Stress management through Yoga.
- Moderator & Panel member in panel discussion sessions in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th , 7th & 8th International Conferences held at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla.
- Chairperson of various committees, Souvenir, Committee and Memberof Organizing, and Finance in organizing 2nd, 3rd ,4th, 5th, 6th,7th and 8th International Conferences (1988, 1999, 2002, 2006) and Chairperson, Programme Committee 6th ,7th & 8th International conference (2009, 2012 & 2015) held at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla.
- Member, Governing Body and a Life Member of Board of Trustees of Kaivalyadhama, S.M.Y.M, Samiti, Lonavla for more than 20 years.
- Member of Local Managing & Advisory Committees of the Arts & Commerce College, Lonavla.
- Chairman/Member, Board of Studies in Yoga for various Universities/Institutions- Karnataka University Dharwad, Sagar University, Jammu University, and Kavikulkalidasa University Nagpur, and Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi.
- Research Guide for M.Phil & Ph.D. under faculty of Moral & Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy, Tilak Vidyapeetha, Pune, Kavi Kula Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, Nagpur Maharashtra and Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India..

Babeeta Chhabra
International SSY teacher, Allied health care professional, artistic director, France
Sri Sri Natya Yoga – Yoga of Dance
Is to know the subtlety of our existence.
Like in the movements of nature; the rolling waves of the sea, or in the blowing breeze, there is calmness
Through Natya yoga we can reestablish a mental balance in rhythms of movement, mantras and stillness.

Barbara Bendel
Psychologist, international SSY Teacher Trainer, business coach & TLEX trainer in Mindfulness & Leadership, Germany

Beatrice Iulini
Sri Sri School of Yoga Europe faculty and Teacher Training director, Board Member, Italy

Carina Asuncion
Senior TLEX trainer on Mindfulness, Leadership & Change and certified SSY teacher, Switzerland

Keerti Mathur
B Ost med, Osteopath, faculty member of SSU’s Dept of Osteopathy & Anatomy teacher SSSY, UK

Debora Grossoni
SSY teacher 500h, Happiness trainer, Mind & Breath expert, Spain

Gabriela Bozic
Jivamukti Yoga teacher in Munich, speaker, entrepreneur, author and mother, Germany
Gabriela Bozic MA, is an internationally renowned yoga teacher, known for her passionate, life-loving and thorough approach in teaching. She touches hearts and empowers others by skilfully blending mystical and practical, traditional and modern teachings of yoga as well as personal development tools. As a teacher, speaker, entrepreneur, author and mother, she focuses especially on the effects and implementation of yoga in everyday life. She has been leading workshops, seminars, retreats and teacher trainings worldwide for almost 20 years now. More info: www.gabrielabozic.com
Session topic:
Light within your heart: a practice to increase vitality, reduce anxiety and build courage: with asana, mantra, mudra and pranayama

Gabriella Giubilaro
International Iyengar yoga teacher & teacher trainer of Iyengar Yoga, Italy
Gabriella Giubilaro is widely known for her dynamic teaching of Iyengar Yoga, her good humor, her attention to individual needs and clarity of her presentation. She believes in communicating the essence of the Yoga postures through simple, but meaningful explanations that help her students discover the intelligence of their own bodies, challenging the students so that they can experience their maximum potential.
Gabriella began her Yoga practice in 1973 in Florence, Italy. After receiving her Doctorate in physics at the University, Gabriella decided to dedicate her life to Yoga in the tradition of B.K.S.Iyengar. She believes in spreading the yoga philosophy, so she collaborates to many translation of yoga books. Since ’87 she has been teaching at her own Studio in Florence as well as workshops in Europe and other countries.

Harshini Vakkalanka
Journalist, Poet, Art of Living Teacher, Germany

Ipek Darga
Adnan Çabuk Yoga Foundation / Siddashram Yoga Center teacher, Turkey

Jayadev Jaerschky
European School of Ananda Yoga director, yoga trainer & author, Italy
“Psychische Gesundheit entsteht, wenn wir unseren Gedanken mit unserem wahren Selbst und dessen Qualitäten in Einklang bringen. In anderen Worten, wenn unsere Gedanken die Freude, Liebe, Kraft und Schönheit unserer Seele zum Ausdruck bringen. Psychische Gesundheit ist daher ein ständiges Training der Gedankeneinklangs mit unserem wahren Selbst.”
“Mental health is established when we align our mind and feelings with our true Self and its qualities. In other words, when our thoughts express the joy, love, strength and beauty of our soul. Mental health is therefore a constant training, of thought-alignment with our true Self.”
Jayadev Jaerschky ist seit 35 Jahren Schüler von Paramhansa Yogananda durch Swami Kriyananda. Seit über dreißig Jahren lebt und lehrt er im Ananda-Zentrum in der Nähe von Assisi. Er ist Direktor der Ananda Yoga School of Europe und ist Autor von 14 Büchern. Jedes Jahr leitet er eine Pilgerreise nach Indien, zu heiligen Stätten im Himalaya. Er ist Kriyacharya, d.h. autorisiert, die Einweihung in die Praxis des Kriya Yoga zu geben.
Jayadev Jaerschky has been a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda through Swami Kriyananda for 35 years. He has lived and taught at the Ananda Center near Assisi for over thirty years. He is director of the Ananda Yoga School of Europe and the author of 14 books. Every year he leads a pilgrimage to India, to holy places in the Himalayas. He is Kriyacharya, i.e. authorized to give initiation into the practice of Kriya Yoga.

Krishna Kalyan
SSY teacher, music, games & statistics, Switzerland/ Germany

Lotta Arbman
Brahma Kumaris coordinator & Spirit of Humanity Forum secretary, Sweden
Lotta Arbman, born in Stockholm 1960, is a meditation teacher since 1982 and is co-ordinating the Brahma Kumaris activities in Sweden together with a team of meditators since 1988. She helped develop and run Self-Managing Leadership programmes in business-, cultural- and military organisations 1993-2007, a combination of timeless spiritual practice with modern business pragmatism. She worked as an administrator at IHM Business School in Stockholm during 13 years. She the secretary Spirit of Humanity Forum, a global platform for leaders and change-makers committed to help bring about change in governance and decision-making, based on core human values.

Margot Regele
Laugh Yoga Expert, Italy

Mrinalini Kochupillai
Academic researcher & guest professor at TUM, SSY & SKY Campus teacher, Germany

Nadežda Klishova
SSY teacher and yoga country coordinator, Estonia

Raffaella Pisati
SSY Teacher with 500h RYT and SSY Teacher Trainer, Italy

Sarah Stork
TV Actress and Fitness-Yoga teacher, Germany
Open your heart!

Saskia Rao & Pandit Shubhendra
Saskia – Cellist, composer, cultural entrepreneur & educationalist, the Netherlands
Pandit Shubhendra – Performer, composer, cultural entrepreneur & music educator, the Netherlands
“Music reduces stress levels and anxiety like nothing else does. Listening to and learning music is the best brain workout”.

Sine Ozsoy
Iyengar Yoga Teacher Turkey

Tahir Sharief
MD, Yoga & meditation teacher, UK

Tatiana Jakob
Senior SSY Teacher 500h, SSY Teacher Trainer, Sri Sri School of Yoga Europe Board

Triinu Jõhve
Acro Yoga teacher, Estonia

Vanessa Eble
TLEX trainer on Mindfulness & Leadership, Switzerland

Alma Basokaite
Belgian SSY coordinator & teacher RYT200, Yoga Alliance (SSSY & Yogashala Institute), Belgium

Dr. Sharika Menon
Doctor/Trainer with Sri Sri Tattva, volunteer/faculty at the AOL Foundation, India